Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Monday 5 July 2010

Orientation: Day 1

Alhamdulillah.. everythings fine today. and so far what i can see is the juniors are sporting. well most of them are or is it only guys ??? urgh whateverlahh...ehehee

today we're officially moved to our "new" class and yeah hopefully semua puas hati tapi usulnya class kami atu scary shit pulang. TAPI INDA APA!!! demi belajar kami sanggup! ceeeh brigali dangg~~~~ ehehhe

oh i feel soooo dizzy after meliat hujan a2. maybe aku ani sensitip ujan turun x ah (over skajap) sakit palaku ani. kana air ujan ka ia.. inda kana ka ia.. sama jua paningnya ani.. ok2 stop next topic!

PEMBAHAGIAN GROUP2.. wahhhh i like this part. hehehehe menurut kata si Muezlah ah mcm inda buleh mng ne group kami ani.. payah usulnya ne.. TAPI INDA APA!! hahaha just for fun. hari rabu tani suruh si Yenny memeriahkan suasana. ahahaha team FERRARI get ready ok... minum redbull 3 botol.. ehhh SALAH!! maduuu!!! yeahhhhhhh~~~ kuda kepang in action!!

mau tau org2 glamer Team Ferrari?? MAU TAUUUUUU???? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggut2 dulu~~ :p <-- mesti ketawa! aku becali tuuu..

  1. Mr Mumu the photographer (Mumu) <-- Siapakan Photoshoot aga ia. 430pm startnya
  2. Liyana Yana (Nana) <--- Asst of Creativity dept
  3. Mummy Ain ( IQA.H) <-- Head of mengikat2 tali :p
  4. Tqah (Tqah PHA) <-- Head of creativity Dept
  5. Deebs (Deebsy) <--- Service Centre tmpat urg mluahkan rasa kasian arah si "Ngian" hahahhaha
  6. Fiffi ( Lady Diana) <-- Jgn inda galat :p
  7. Khadijah (DJ) <---- geng2 DJ Putera
  8. Yusuf ( Yu- Shun) <-- artis korea jemputan
  9. Aiman ( Aiman Kisah) <-- adi bradi Aiman Brasiill~~
  10. Aqilah ( Q.Qolas) <-- Incharge of Progressing Name Tag esp jeng jeng jeng :p
  11. Baadriah ( Baadie) <-- PA si tiqah.. ada bakat terpendam ni mcm si tqah.. =)

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *suara rock bebeh*

Vrooooooooooooooom Vrooooooooooooooom~~~~~

Assalamualaikum wbt


Saturday 3 July 2010



i suddenly feeling so sad after listening to ' for the rest of my life ' nice song but it almost made me cry:/ and trus2 aku ada feeling sakit hati f.u.c.k

ayyy what happened to me uh?ppfffftttt i hate this feeling so much!

errr so far german is leading, 2-0 i dont like it

ohh fuck its 3 dude! hahaha sial cni ane haha

nth eh idk what else to say here pppffftttttt mental mental

teejah hs

The Pictures