Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Sunday 14 September 2008

You'll never walk Alone.

Sorry to MANU fans.. last night was liverpool night ehee... we scored 2-1 manu. i dun care what you guys wanna say.. kaluk ka, bida ka, awal msih ka, bagi chance ka. apa2 jer.. tak kisah.

erms..im not felling well..something wrong with me.. something WRONG with thisss feeling, heart, liver pokoknya masalah batin!! Dayum!!

guys... im so sorry arh kamu.. Assalamualaikum

a BIG MAYBE is im not goin to school monday and this tuesday...maybe.

no further question will be answerd..thanks and sorry

im depressed. this life is getting harder nowadays.. as hard as making essay..oh shyt.. my wio assignmnt!! i hvent fnish that yet... its sunday.. errr no its monday already(00.15) see its monday kann..and aku ALUM SIAP!!! woahhhhh..

i dun have any idea bah.. bnyk dah point niii. p ndaku tau kan start cmna... katakan buduh, bnyk jua udah point atu... katakan gila.. enthlah..

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