Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Saturday 22 May 2010

it's been a while :)

( The above picture was taken on our graduation night for PD/BNF/07)

it's been a while since the last time i log on this blog, seems everybody is busy with their twinkle life now :) haven't updated any new story, not even a single story but we do share things on facebook, i reckoned.

i miss everyone. i miss the old peeps; where we used to have the what-so-called small chit chat, the crazy jokes, the stupid tease and the games, i really does miss those stupidity. Here we are nearly in the end of our first year one semester break. Congratulations to all my friends especially PD/07 who succeed to move a step further to year 2 :) Congratulations guys. It's tough, lotsa things happened :) but yet everything happened for certain reasons, right guys?

i wish we could go for a walk some times and share stories, tell our stupid jokes and photoshoot with mumu ;p hehehe

oh by the way i just got my license this year 2010. which is good for my girl friends hehehe we wouldn't rely much on the boys now but yet we do still need them to fill the saf-saf kosong in our group. Guys, we need kamu :')

we might seems like we have our own world now but in fact, we don't. We do still want you to be as a part of our daily life story, fill in the missing gap.

ps: i love you all,
Hanna Yusran

1 comment:

The Sevens said...

i love you too. and thanks. and congratulations to you too dear on the graduation and the promotion jadi asst president and coming president :p

The Pictures