Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Tuesday 25 May 2010

lets start :)

salam and good evening..wow, its been a while~ i mean, really a while~ :p

thanks to hana for giving us some 'awareness' pasal kn renew this blog hehe

let us activate back this blog since we will be having a lot of free time this may and june hehe

as you all know, i love to post pictures haha so yeah, enjoy the pictures :)

barbeque at teejah's

our graduation night. PD/BNF/07

open class for ND/BNF/23, ND/BNF/24 and ND/BNF/25

the rehearsal. a day before our graduation

raya celebration

sungkai at SP

sungkai out, esa, hanna, dibah and teejah

oh, btw, i really miss you all and lets have breakfast ramai2 isuk :D and ofcourse, teejah loves kamu2

teejah hs

1 comment:

Deebs said...

i love it =)

The Pictures