Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Wednesday 26 May 2010

No Breakfast with them :(


i hate it when i can't go out with them, esh... i wanna go with them. ai wan ai wan. hehe....

Morning, rehearsal on syarahan, patang rehearsal on graduation night. oh great, i'am tired. seriously tired becakap.

haven't been having a very long conversation with them all. everybody seems to be busy, from what i see lah ah ;p assumed saja bah heh ;p

Muiz, selected as one of the peringkat aher syarahan in our college. isn't it great? our friend bah tu hehe.. wish him luck for tomorrow 27th May, 2010. All the best and save the best for the last :) GO MUMU!

ps: if manang hadiah share-share bukan kan di tunggap sorang-sorang saja eh ;p hahaha


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