Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Sunday 20 June 2010

( -.- )

hello, ada habuk sudah sikit blog ane

well, tomorrow is the day~ i hate it and i am soo not ready to go to school yet :/

subuh brasil main, cemana ne?isuk skulah, inda jua ku tidur ne krg pppfffftttttttttttt

im still freaking out mikir kn psl isuk..damn i hate it. lets just pray that everything will be ok and we will be in a group of good people yes?errrr soo takuttttttttttttttt

mudah2an ok amin amin amin

i wanted to go for bowling today but then again seems like everyone is busy so yeah~ ppffffttttt

right, tink that would be all

teejah hs

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