Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Friday 11 June 2010

the day that we've been waiting for :D

uhuk uhuk pagi2 sudah aku selesma and batukkkkkk

kesian jua muez nada tempat meliat?hahahaha what happened to your astro?haha ia suruh kau tinggal d limau manis bah tu:p ( lurus ka jua nda kg.mu ane ) haha

i tink aku tau sudah apa krusus mu d KL ane.. krusus photography kan???????

ohh yes the graduation? jgn d ckp! lamas ku kn menunggu!

the NASA thingy..yeah ive heard of it...and theres a lot about 2012 actually..and yes aku takut haha

cemani lah ah muez ahhh serious banar plg sudah ku membaca post mu atu...yg bawah2 atu lah ah..ia tah tu..keluar SPOILER atu...spoiler kereta siapa kn tu???kereta mu muez??hahahahhaa

talur jua mimpi mu atuuuuuu hahahaha ALIEN BAH ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ALIEN!!!!!!! WTF?????HAHAHAHAHAHAHA pacah ihhh pagi2 sudah cani ane!!!haha

anyways, izzati M where are you girl? i miss you! i thought ure already home! tp d tunggu2 online inda hada! d kk ada ko online! ishhhhh hehe

dear mr photographer,

before aku tidur dlm, ada dh d kepala ku..plan kuuuuuuuuuuuu kira tani atu krg liat wayang d empire! pastu photoshoot d empire jua! hahaha tppppp bnci ku meliat yg ko buat arh chatbox atu! eishhhhhhh pyh jua bnr urg busy ane! galat ku! haha bah sunday muez ah! jgn nada :p uve promised! *hari atu* suruh pakai bikini hahahaha ewwwwww

bah2 cut the crap:p <---------- siapa punya LINE kan ne?????im still curious! ergghhh

ahh lupa ku, WORLD CUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BRASIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!PISANG BRASIL!!!!!!!!!HAHA

but i havent got any brazil tees haha inda ku t.pakai yg bjual atu eishhhh

teejah hs

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