Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Yesterday and today

Hello 07s..

i just finished eating my lunch.. and i know kamu smua masani busy mengorder makanan atau busy makanan ne.. im not coming to school today how i wish its menyeronokkan but not! parut ani mau tia jua sakit.. mengapalahhhhh mesti sakit atu kan. haish!!

bah enjoy your day. and hopefully our BP ani siap awal. Good luck everyone.

P/S: Those yg ada kemarin msa lunch. Im sorry, i wasnt angry. im just a lil bit dissapointed and yeah im ok udah. It was a very hectic day. im tired to think of anything lg so mlsku smbung the words. =)). Sorry



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