Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Monday 31 May 2010

lazy monday

my lazy monday starts with entah i just ada this feeling kn jalan sama kamu hahahaha

oh well, esa is not up yet..muez?idk malas ku msg krg d amuk ny ku kcw ia tdur haha kn muez? dibah?i also dont know..inda mblas msg ku..zati?i havent text jua..bluurrggghhhh

im bored to the max

jalan wah jalan!!!!!urghhhhhhhhhhhhh *desperate usul ny* haha

teejah hs

Sunday 30 May 2010

pictures from my phone

awu muez, apa jua ganya aku ane :p pakai hp :p hahahaha damn it

muez, like i said, apa2 ane mesti confident ok?haha bnci ku caption mu atu!hahahaha

teejah and dibah. and i look cawer

izzati M and teejah Hs

again, i look cawer

the day before the appreciation night

went to the mall and dinner at c.a md gaydong and went to yayasan. cari baju for esa and seluar for myself haha

esa was in the fitting room and we took pictures d fitting room sebalah haha

samad ilang nth kmna

teejah hs

Appreciation Night

"Kan begambar ku dulu pa", dengan nada konpidannya

The Master of Ceremony (MC)

Saturday 29 May 2010


Nana congratulations to you for the Best student Award for PD/BNF/07.

=) bah upload gambar mu sama sijil and awardmu ah. hahaha..

To muez: mun paham bisai gambar ah :p hahahaa.. bah upload tia. tempohnya 24 jam ne...

Nyte everyone. Assalamualaikum wbt.



Heehee.. Assalamualaikum wbt..

Just want to congratulate muez on winning syarahan bagi lelaki seluruh pelusuk duniaa... hahaha.. congratulation gut (janggut) :p

Kau chong ne sal ko manang... bah bila? ko mau kami milih tempat or kau saja memilih? :P:P hahahaha

bah bah bah will see kamu semua esok.. byebye..

-Deebs 905-

Friday 28 May 2010

congratulations to ocho ess

congratulations muezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

sebenar ny, i want u to share your hamper with me dulu then baru ku greet kau tapi usul2 nya inda pulang kau mau membagi tu, kan??hahahahaha

nah aku greet kau sudah, puas ati mu? ah? puas? *mental* haha

bah eh kau jubur muez .l. hahahahaha

teejah hs

who's going to school tomorrow?

who's going to school tomorrow?macam, aku gnya kan kesian~haha

please respond to my question haha

teejah hs

Fast and furious

photoG with his HALAL logo

Retarded people? nada keraja tah bnr

Ready for street race? fasten your seatbelts :)

*click click*

Photoshoot around bandar area, purely taken no edit except for text HAHA.

27052010 SINAUT visit

07 BUS..


guess sapa ja di sana???



shy is looking at BAJU NYA YG KAMAH....

wanted MUSTAPA'S

ESA movie-ing

debah & teejah is busy-ing




my first post!!!!

so better i sign in first k...


Thursday 27 May 2010

Congratulation to MuMu

congratulation to mumu aka muesh!

he won first place for the syarahan in our school and he is kambang now, he is tho, he is! hehehehehehehehe....

the hamper, he should share it with the emcee yang membagi semangat, he SHOULD. hahaha..

urgh inda ingat kan take picture with him tadi :(

oh by the way sorry teejah, inda dapat video him tadi hehe..terpesona sudah mendangar syarahan nya iatah inda lagi te bidio ;p

Johan Antarabangsa Syarahan Seluruh Pelusuk Dunia. * world cup fever*

hasil usaha si mumu yang inda sebrapa ani yatah di banggakannya ani. eeewww rumah siapakan ni? tak kelas laaa~ bisai lagi me punya kelas di skulah. apaaaaaaaaaaaann..

Wednesday 26 May 2010

all the best to mumu

as far as im concerned, tomorrow c mumu belawan final..apa tu?syarahan kn?haha all the best dude!!!!! ure lucky that 'we' will not going to be in school tomorrow morning! coz ill definitely record time ko syarahan atu! haha

to hana, please deyh record ya time syarahan atu;) i wanna see it!!!

and to kamu2, see you guys tomorrow, jgn aher dtg..ive packed my foods sudah in my bag! haha long journey!and i need foods to entertain myself! haha

im gonna miss hana and dibah since they're not coming with us tomorrow ): girls, be good ok?hana, all the best for MC isuk atu..dibah, jaga hana ok?:p

im very sleepy -______________-


teejah hs

No Breakfast with them :(


i hate it when i can't go out with them, esh... i wanna go with them. ai wan ai wan. hehe....

Morning, rehearsal on syarahan, patang rehearsal on graduation night. oh great, i'am tired. seriously tired becakap.

haven't been having a very long conversation with them all. everybody seems to be busy, from what i see lah ah ;p assumed saja bah heh ;p

Muiz, selected as one of the peringkat aher syarahan in our college. isn't it great? our friend bah tu hehe.. wish him luck for tomorrow 27th May, 2010. All the best and save the best for the last :) GO MUMU!

ps: if manang hadiah share-share bukan kan di tunggap sorang-sorang saja eh ;p hahaha


this is the title

aku sakit parut, idk y


p/s : i hope u guys tau yg aku ane k.boringan..thank you

teejah hs

Tuesday 25 May 2010

lets start :)

salam and good evening..wow, its been a while~ i mean, really a while~ :p

thanks to hana for giving us some 'awareness' pasal kn renew this blog hehe

let us activate back this blog since we will be having a lot of free time this may and june hehe

as you all know, i love to post pictures haha so yeah, enjoy the pictures :)

barbeque at teejah's

our graduation night. PD/BNF/07

open class for ND/BNF/23, ND/BNF/24 and ND/BNF/25

the rehearsal. a day before our graduation

raya celebration

sungkai at SP

sungkai out, esa, hanna, dibah and teejah

oh, btw, i really miss you all and lets have breakfast ramai2 isuk :D and ofcourse, teejah loves kamu2

teejah hs


Assalamualaikum Wbt.

Hello everyone. ive done some changes here and yes it is simple hehe.. dun have any idea apa lagi kan di ubah. lemme know if ada any idea and any ada kan ditambah ok.

Lets make this blog happening again.. ok guys? hehe jangan menyepi saja :p

ok im off now. done with the blog. see ya next day..


Saturday 22 May 2010

it's been a while :)

( The above picture was taken on our graduation night for PD/BNF/07)

it's been a while since the last time i log on this blog, seems everybody is busy with their twinkle life now :) haven't updated any new story, not even a single story but we do share things on facebook, i reckoned.

i miss everyone. i miss the old peeps; where we used to have the what-so-called small chit chat, the crazy jokes, the stupid tease and the games, i really does miss those stupidity. Here we are nearly in the end of our first year one semester break. Congratulations to all my friends especially PD/07 who succeed to move a step further to year 2 :) Congratulations guys. It's tough, lotsa things happened :) but yet everything happened for certain reasons, right guys?

i wish we could go for a walk some times and share stories, tell our stupid jokes and photoshoot with mumu ;p hehehe

oh by the way i just got my license this year 2010. which is good for my girl friends hehehe we wouldn't rely much on the boys now but yet we do still need them to fill the saf-saf kosong in our group. Guys, we need kamu :')

we might seems like we have our own world now but in fact, we don't. We do still want you to be as a part of our daily life story, fill in the missing gap.

ps: i love you all,
Hanna Yusran

The Pictures