Tempat Membuang Stress

Brunei Local Time

Our Memories

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Yesterday and today

Hello 07s..

i just finished eating my lunch.. and i know kamu smua masani busy mengorder makanan atau busy makanan ne.. im not coming to school today how i wish its menyeronokkan but not! parut ani mau tia jua sakit.. mengapalahhhhh mesti sakit atu kan. haish!!

bah enjoy your day. and hopefully our BP ani siap awal. Good luck everyone.

P/S: Those yg ada kemarin msa lunch. Im sorry, i wasnt angry. im just a lil bit dissapointed and yeah im ok udah. It was a very hectic day. im tired to think of anything lg so mlsku smbung the words. =)). Sorry



Thursday 24 June 2010


kmu2 ahah bh gto eh cm mna kn pkai ne blog ah kcian jua aku ne hehe

Wednesday 23 June 2010

enjoying our moment here

its wednesday and its boring to the max.

Dibah and I are in the library passssaaalllllll kami boring! kata dibah *amazing kali ah* haha kami jadi budak baik wohooooooooooooo bookworm. instead of bookworm, kami jadi computerworm hahahahaha VIRUS! hahaha apadeyyyyyyyy

oh well, i was chatting with shairatul amal nadia a.k.a salwa mati full hantappppp ia kan shopping tadi..and im jealous hohoho

we're currently listening to waving flag arh this blog. and its S-I-U-K!!!! damit plg gny volume nya..jadi tah

later at 2pm there will be a meeting between sir fuji and the GMs of each BP group..all the best to them..

what else?hmmm oh yeah, zati M where are you?2 kali saja aku jumpa kau today:/ ppffftttt

errr guess that would be all (:

teejah hs

*dibah is busy with her mall world thingy* hehe

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Busy week + upcoming orientation

Assalamualaikum guys..

i would like to congratulate to THE 07s for passing our year 1 exams Alhamdulillah.. and congratulation lagi sekali those yg dpt BP group yg not so bad. Alhamdulillah =)..lets enjoy our senior year and excel the units with flying colors.

Starting today we're busy with our BP meeting and soon orientation lagi ne. sooooo akan busy "hantaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppp"lah tani ne... kan menarik napas punnn nda smpat ne <-- cana ober? :p

erms erms all the best to us.. together here we stand... cehhhh bah atu saja dulu...


new video...aku baru pandai

aku baru pandai ne.....since laptop ku baru be-format heheheh...
sakai ahhh......
clean x a...udah lappy ku heheheh


Sunday 20 June 2010

( -.- )

hello, ada habuk sudah sikit blog ane

well, tomorrow is the day~ i hate it and i am soo not ready to go to school yet :/

subuh brasil main, cemana ne?isuk skulah, inda jua ku tidur ne krg pppfffftttttttttttt

im still freaking out mikir kn psl isuk..damn i hate it. lets just pray that everything will be ok and we will be in a group of good people yes?errrr soo takuttttttttttttttt

mudah2an ok amin amin amin

i wanted to go for bowling today but then again seems like everyone is busy so yeah~ ppffffttttt

right, tink that would be all

teejah hs

Tuesday 15 June 2010

bon voyage

well, bon voyage to our mr. photographer. he's going off to KL tomorrow. errrr jangan lupa balikan aku ok?jangan tah yg mahal2, ko aga saja converse ok?d Midvalley bisai..aga saja tingkat atas sekali. inda payah tu mencari converse ah. pastu balikan ku bag sekulah ah ;) and also the pencil case tarus. s.set lah dangan bag yg kau pilih atu. baju pun ia jua. kasut pun jua lah ok? pastu sampai kan salam ku arah converse atu, i miss you ja kata c teejah hahahaha

anyways, be good muez. ko sana atu sorang ganya hahahaha please jangan bawa hooker k bilik mu atu ok? kalau abis ushin mu atu jgn kan jual diri, inda bisai. krg kana tangkap kau hahahaha

one more, thanks for the photo! hahahaha nampak jua tu:p told cha hahaha and lawa! :D i loike it :D thanks :D

bah bon voyage dude! jangan lupa pasan ku! :D

teejah hs

As requested by teejah

This shot was taken 15th june,2010 at 8.20 pm

Gawaii kitak sambut

singer kami jadi pembuka tirai karaoke.

passenger yang telah berkorban melanja minyak ferrari hehe..

blee~~ aku dapat microphone!!

bekelaie.. duduk bsebalahan pun bmsg.. tapi haingsum jua laki2 ani ah hihihi..

Wake me up when september ends - Sungha Jung

Monday 14 June 2010


abdul mu'iz haji awang, mana gambar2 kemarin?haha tau ku pulang muka kami inda banyak tapi mau jua kami kan meliat bah:p upload ah ok?before biskita belayar atu jua:p

ahax ahax


have a good day im bored sebenar ny ppffftttttttt

trouble is a friend! indeed! damn it

teejah hs

Sunday 13 June 2010


Bnci ku Bnci ku ey,
Baru ja mood ku Happy pasal esk,
Dtg tia problem froM parents ku,
Bnci ku eh!!
Mudahan tah aku jdi esk haha..

Wah skadar aku ah..
And aku agree with lagu by lenka..

"Trouble is a friend no matter where u go, no matter if u fast no matter if u slow"

P/s: tej,sory ilang kn mood mu..Aku pun ilang dah huh..Ada ku txt ko esk f jadi er..Nsyalah B4 12


T-qah Pha

Saturday 12 June 2010

where are you people?

mana kamu kan?i didnt see you guys online uhhh im freaking bored! i want to go jalan today tapi kamu nada! hehe malam ane bula! i cannot jalan jua! ish

whos going to fifi's? i dont think im going nada dangan ku:/ im sorry fifi

and im sick! uhhhh malas ku kan check up! hohohoho

teejah hs

Friday 11 June 2010


parut ku sakit:/ well not exactly parut ku lah hehe tp bawah parut ku mcm kiri kanan sakit ny erghhhhhhhhhhhh inda siuk neeeeeee

oh yes, tadi south africa 1 and mexico 1

i love goal south africa tadi ah tajammmmmmm julllllllllll haha

mexico tadi bida haha

i cant wait for brasil!!!!!yes, pisssang brassssil!!!!aww i miss aiman:/ bkn c haiman tp aiman tak kesah alah aiman pisssang brassssil hahaha awu wah, mna tani jumpa ia lg tu:/ awwww i will miss his " SSS " haha

teejah hs

new gadget

i dunno what songs to add up. so its random hehehe... hope u guys enjoy the songs.. wallaaa~~~


the day that we've been waiting for :D

uhuk uhuk pagi2 sudah aku selesma and batukkkkkk

kesian jua muez nada tempat meliat?hahahaha what happened to your astro?haha ia suruh kau tinggal d limau manis bah tu:p ( lurus ka jua nda kg.mu ane ) haha

i tink aku tau sudah apa krusus mu d KL ane.. krusus photography kan???????

ohh yes the graduation? jgn d ckp! lamas ku kn menunggu!

the NASA thingy..yeah ive heard of it...and theres a lot about 2012 actually..and yes aku takut haha

cemani lah ah muez ahhh serious banar plg sudah ku membaca post mu atu...yg bawah2 atu lah ah..ia tah tu..keluar SPOILER atu...spoiler kereta siapa kn tu???kereta mu muez??hahahahhaa

talur jua mimpi mu atuuuuuu hahahaha ALIEN BAH ALIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ALIEN!!!!!!! WTF?????HAHAHAHAHAHAHA pacah ihhh pagi2 sudah cani ane!!!haha

anyways, izzati M where are you girl? i miss you! i thought ure already home! tp d tunggu2 online inda hada! d kk ada ko online! ishhhhh hehe

dear mr photographer,

before aku tidur dlm, ada dh d kepala ku..plan kuuuuuuuuuuuu kira tani atu krg liat wayang d empire! pastu photoshoot d empire jua! hahaha tppppp bnci ku meliat yg ko buat arh chatbox atu! eishhhhhhh pyh jua bnr urg busy ane! galat ku! haha bah sunday muez ah! jgn nada :p uve promised! *hari atu* suruh pakai bikini hahahaha ewwwwww

bah2 cut the crap:p <---------- siapa punya LINE kan ne?????im still curious! ergghhh

ahh lupa ku, WORLD CUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BRASIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!PISANG BRASIL!!!!!!!!!HAHA

but i havent got any brazil tees haha inda ku t.pakai yg bjual atu eishhhh

teejah hs

Counting The Days

Okay, world cup fever is start today!!
woo uwwo wooo gimme freedom lalalalala~~~
unfortunately, i have to find way to watch "The celebrations"

entah kenapa tia di rumah ani astro nada ani.. inda kana suruh meliat astro kali lagi hahaha..

5 days to go Kuala Lumpur!! here i come~

and school reopen about 9 days? you do the maths.

Graduate? about 1.5 years HAHAHHAHA. i cant wait. mun nunggu 2012 kiamat tia dunia..

anyway, talk about kiamat hehe.. here some info for all readers..
NASA. tau NASA? mun inda google it!
i've found articles says that, NASA had claimed that the sun will be rising west yoooo~
due to planet mars are bla bla bla.. lupa ku reasonnya.. yang pentingnya sun (mata si hari) akan timbul di barat.. inda lagi lama..

soalannya di sini " sudah kah anda bertaubat?"

and recently, aku slalu mimpi kiamat dah ni.. byk bguguran planet ke bumi ani hehe.. ijap plg ku dah.. berapi-berapi laii~ tapiiiiiii
yang spoilernya ada tia alien keluar dari planet yang gugur di bumi ahh.. ilang takut ku

ilaaa hunaa faqat wa akhiran wa syukran :)

Mues HA

Thursday 10 June 2010


baik d layan tu c muez free ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jarang bah tu ia freee ahhhhhhhhh

hahahaha busy lah kata kan~photographer~ malas ku~ hahahaha

bah aku melayan neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

siapa yg tengah belayar atu, balik tah!!!!!!ramai2 meliat movie!!!!!c muez free eh!!!!!free ya ne friday ah!!!!freeeeee hahahahah baie majal

aku boring wah! ishhhhhhhhhh

bah eh

teejah hs

Keboringan sudah terasa

Kamuuuuuuuuu im bored lajutah beramai ke Miri main bowling atau ke KK meliat movie? atau shopping di Spore? atau ke KL mendgnkan si muez? hahaa... p ko belanja muez..

well. i got nothing to do. and yet am not ready for school. buriinggg~~~

lets go for a movie. karate kid?? tapi urang nda ramai.. urghh buring lagi...

buring buring buring..

bah atu saja buring ku udah...Assalamualaikum


Wednesday 9 June 2010

inda nyaman ati

aku ane muez inda suka nipu batah2 hahahahahaha tak sanggup i :p hahahaha

eksin ku wah!ane jua pcya bulat2! haha i was bored so yeah mnyaya tia ku hahahaha

sorry:p hahaha tp bnr plg aku kn ksna tp dlm mimpi ku hohohohoho

cukup tah KK saja untuk bulan ane..bulan2 akan dtg insyallah aku KL:p bluurrgghhh haha

im sure kalau aku d sebalah mu time ane, abis plg sudah ne kana ampas2 kana lasing apa hahahaha oh well, thank god aku d mata2 dan engkau d berakas hahaha


-dari suara perempuan inda budiman- *wtf?* hahahaha


yawah!! wow hahaa.. bila kau ke KL teejah ehh.. brapa HB?

kita serupaaa~ kita serupaaa~

masa journey ku di KL nanti, byk ku upload ni.. jgn tah watir hahaha..

becerita tah ku tu 5 hari di sana ahh haha..

tapi arah blog ku plg tu hahahaha..

mau jua ku mereply sini atu ah haha.. sabar shaa..

-Dari suara lelaki budiman

Tuesday 8 June 2010

my name is teejah hs

im bored

dibah and i are back..now its zati and hanna punya turn belayar

zati, jgn lupa oleh2 ( mcm aku inda ksna:p haha )
hanna, kata babu ku balikan baju dalam kelapa ah ok?jgn lupa tu! hahahaha

muez, aku ikut ko k KL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!aku sudah booked ticket:D ill see you soon:D

bah bye! im hungry!

teejah hs

Monday 7 June 2010


Hahahaa..first time ku menpost!!Sakaiii..ehehhee
Kamu2 ku boring then lapas atu kan saja2 ku buat video!!Bnar2 case boring dah ku ne..
Sorry for those yg nda pics nya, abis hilang waa my pics yg ku save2 dulu..

Video ku ne biasa2 gnya ku buat=)

So have a nice holiday guys and kepada siapa2 yg belayar overseas atu phm2 tah, bawa ehm2 i mean ole2 laa..=D

Yan _ Nana =)

Saturday 5 June 2010


sebenarnya kan...

sebenarnya dragon ball ada 7 biji semuanya.. okay cut the crap..

agatah kamu lari belayar2 ke limbang, ke sarawak, ke sabah sana atuu.. biar tia inda beupdate blog ani ahh.. aku saja update kan kamu.. tinggalkan tah aku di sini anii.. nanti ku tinggalkan kamu atu hahaha..

aku ada soalan:

This shaft comes in and out from lovely hole. After a while, white bubbles come out when u are finish?

Hint: every morning u did this. booohh!!

Friday 4 June 2010

polo club activiti

okay, this is some of the pictures. For more please visit mues-ha.blogspot.com

Thursday 3 June 2010

happy holidays!

im home and im enjoying my every seconds of my holiday! hohohohoho

our schedule:

thursday : tqah is off to limbang
friday : dibah is off to kk
saturday : teejah is off to kk
sunday : isi tah kekusungan ane
monday : zati is off to kk
tuesday : hana is off to hawaii
sunday : gawai celebration at fify's
next wednesday : mumu is off to KL

full schedule tani atu, jgn inda galat :p haha

siapa kn ngisi atu, isi tah..ane sj yg ku tau siapa kn blayar ane:p hoho

gambar yg i curi from muesh :D

alright happy holidays peeps! oh yes, im so gonna miss kamu2

teejah hs

to mumu

i saw this upcoming event on fb..i think u shud join muez:p haha nama event ny is night street shooting hohoho the event d pasar mlm yo..baik tah juin:p and no flash dude


teejah hs

The Pictures